Bl3 Zane Leveling Build (2025)

1. Borderlands 3 Zane Leveling Build Guide (Level 72) - Pro Game Guides

  • Oct 7, 2021 · Our Borderlands 3 Zane Leveling Build Guide features a complete step-by-step leveling guide, focusing on acting skills and defense while constantly freezing ...

  • We're taking a detailed look at the best leveling build for Zane in Borderlands 3!

Borderlands 3 Zane Leveling Build Guide (Level 72) - Pro Game Guides

2. Builds and Guides for Zane (Operative) - Borderlands 3 - Icy Veins

  • Zane Sub Zero Build Guide · Double Trouble Zane build · Zane Hitman Build Guide

  • Detailed Builds and Guides for Zane (Operative) in Borderlands 3.

Builds and Guides for Zane (Operative) - Borderlands 3 - Icy Veins

3. Zane 'Base Game' Build - Borderlands 3 - MentalMars

Zane 'Base Game' Build - Borderlands 3 - MentalMars

4. Zane • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator - Lootlemon

  • This is an up-to-date Skill Tree Calculator for Zane - The Operative in Borderlands 3. Utilize this interactive tool to craft your best Level 72 Build.

Zane • Borderlands 3 – Skill Tree Calculator - Lootlemon

5. Zane (Operative) Sub Zero Build Guide - Borderlands 3 - Icy Veins

  • Oct 4, 2020 · Welcome to our Sub Zero build guide for Zane the Operative in Borderlands 3. Freezing targets makes them vulnerable and allows you to reset ...

  • Freezing build tailored for end-game mobbing such as various Circles of Slaughter at Mayhem 10.

Zane (Operative) Sub Zero Build Guide - Borderlands 3 - Icy Veins

6. The Best and the Fastest Zane Build for Borderlands 3 - Odealo

  • Oct 2, 2019 · Zane The Fastest Borderlands 3 Build · 1. Build overview. Our Zane build is pretty much the fastest Build in Borderlands 3. · 2. Build's PROS & ...

  • Complete Guide on the Fastest and the Best Zane build which is optimized for maximum Movement Speed and Solo play. It's one of the highest DPS Builds in Borderlands 3 at the same time

The Best and the Fastest Zane Build for Borderlands 3 - Odealo

7. Zane Best Builds Guide | Borderlands 3 - GameWith

  • Aug 21, 2022 · Although both trees are highly important in this build, the Under Cover Skill Tree takes more of a priority when leveling up since it gives both ...

  • Check out this guide for Zane the Operative's best builds in Borderlands 3. This guide includes detailed build breakdowns, recommended skills, leveling up guide, & more!

Zane Best Builds Guide | Borderlands 3 - GameWith

8. Here's The Only 'Borderlands 3' Zane Solo Build I've Found That's Any Good

  • Sep 22, 2019 · I was trying to make a Zane cryo build work but then you get to Mayhem and if the modifier is anti-cryo you literally can do nothing at all.

  • Here's the best Zane solo build you can find in Borderlands 3, one that relies on kill skills being up 100% of the time.

Here's The Only 'Borderlands 3' Zane Solo Build I've Found That's Any Good

9. Best Zane Builds - Borderlands 3 - MentalMars

  • One of the most popular builds for Zane is a build that depends on the Seein' Dead Class Mod. This COM can trigger all of Zane's kill skills.

  • Zane “the Operative” is one of the playable characters in Borderlands 3. He is the Assassin class of the game. With his gadgetry, Zane is extremely proficient at slipping into combat, creating chaos, and sneaking back out as if he were never there. You are basically the James Bond of Borderlands. Zane is the only Vault Hunter that has the ability to utilize 2 action skills. However, in order to do this, you have to sacrifice the ability to throw grenades. That said, you are able to grant your gadgets that ability. So the grenade mod slot won’t go unused. Zane has various play styles that tap into different action skills and skill trees.

Best Zane Builds - Borderlands 3 - MentalMars
Bl3 Zane Leveling Build (2025)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.